Republican leaders in the House (and Senate) are sitting on bills that would help auto accident survivors who are losing medical care.
The new auto insurance law could mean fewer hospitals in Michigan in the long term, warns a top health care official.
Home care agencies, residential rehab centers, and group homes for catastrophically injured auto accident survivors are closing, because insurance companies can now pay them less than the cost of care. Survivors are being forced into a cruel game of musical chairs as they try to find new places to live.
Lana Theis, the powerful Republican who chairs the Senate Insurance and Banking Committee, is being challenged in the primary by Republican Mike Detmer over her role in crafting and defending the new auto insurance law.
Hundreds of auto accident survivors have already lost care, with thousands more soon to follow, but State Senator Mike Shirkey says he doesn't have the data to consider tweaking the state's new auto insurance law.
Vladimir Konstantinov was in a catastrophic accident six days after he helped the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup. He's about to lose his home care.
Insurance companies are playing a "shell game," with bills to avoid paying for care for people injured in car accidents, and it's causing chaos.
Michigan's new auto insurance law allows insurance companies to slash payments for long term care providers for accident survivors by nearly half.But some…
At least 696 survivors of catastrophic car crashes have lost needed care since July 1, according to a dashboard count from the Michigan Brain Injury…
A West Michigan woman could be the first fatality linked to 45% payment cuts imposed on long term care providers for auto accident survivors. The cuts are…