Bonnie Jo Campbell is a big-deal writer who has won some fancy awards, including a Pushcart Prize, and she was a finalist for the 2009 National Book Award…
It's a really good year for the 850 family-run apple farms in Michigan.They're approaching a near-record crop.It’s thanks in part to the awful winter…
The recent Toledo water crisis has farmers in Michigan and Ohio on the defensive. They’re pointing to a number of voluntary efforts they’re making to…
An unusual berry should be widely available at farmers markets in northern Michigan this summer. In fact, the region has become the center of saskatoon…
Recent changes in the Michigan right-to farm requirements have drawn criticisms from those worried it may curtail their ability to keep bees, chickens, or…
Climate change is making Michigan farmers more vulnerable to dramatic weather shifts, according to a new report.The U.S. Global Change Research Program…
With its rocky soil, thick forests and painfully short growing season, the Upper Peninsula is never going to look like Iowa or Kansas – and that's okay.…
LANSING – A new network aims to connect farmers, food processors, and food service directors as part of an effort to increase the amount of…
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is trying to give honeybees more and better-quality food in the Midwest.Dan Zay is a biologist with the USDA’s Natural…
Massive blooms of cyanbacteria (sometimes referred to as blue-green algae) and dead zones in Lake Erie: These used to be major environmental problems…