Today, we talk about things to think about as Michigan contemplates changes with minimum wages for tipped workers. Also, writer Michael Spradlin on adapting the political run-up to the Third Reich into a story young people can grasp. Plus: chef Abra Berens has ideas about what to do with the insanely prolific bounteous harvest of Michigan fruit available at your grocery or farmers’ market.
Pawpaws are the largest fruit native to North America. Members of the custard apple family, they grow along the Mid-Atlantic region. They have a tropical…
A new program is underway to get fresh produce to people affected by Flint’s drinking water crisis.Foods rich in calcium, vitamin C, and iron can help…
There’s a new effort to make fresh fruits and vegetables available in downtown Flint.It’s not easy to find fresh produce in Flint. But that’s a market…
In our little informal apple poll, Michiganders agreed: Honeycrisp apples are the tastiest apple to eat.Unfortunately, your love for Honeycrisp apples…
This month, there’s a campaign in Flint to get city residents to live healthier.But that campaign has been complicated by the recent closing of two chain…
“Veggie Mobile” will sell locally grown fruits and vegetables in Grand Rapids neighborhoods with limited access to grocery stores.“This is awesome,”…
Fifteen months after it opened, Flint’s first downtown grocery in 30 years is struggling to stay open. Witherbees Market was intended to serve the needs…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/michigan/local-michigan-972033.mp3There’s a big push these days to eat more locally-grown, fresh…