Grand Rapids residents gathered on Sunday to talk to the police chief and other city officials about incidents involving innocent and unarmed black kids…
Could more cultural awareness help the Grand Rapids Police Department? The Grand Rapids Police Policy and Procedure Review Task Force thinks so.The task…
The Grand Rapids Police Department released body cam footage Friday of a stop involving two unarmed 11-year old black boys.The video shows several police…
Grand Rapids police want to hear what high school students have to say. So the department is asking 25 students to join its Youth Advisory Council this…
The Grand Rapids Police Department wants to rebuild trust with the community. So it started a pilot program that it hopes will help do that.The department…
Black residents in Grand Rapids have thought for decades that the city’s police targeted them unfairly. But a traffic study released last year put some…
The Grand Rapids Police Department announce new Youth Interactions Policy for its officers.This after a year which saw two incidents where officers held…
Some Grand Rapids residents want to see more police engagement in the community. That’s what they told the Grand Rapids Task Force on Policies and…
Some Grand Rapids community members want the city to adopt a national violence prevention program.Cure Violence is a program used to combat gun violence…
The Grand Rapids Police Department says it will not discipline the officers involved in handcuffing an innocent black girl earlier this month.The…