Federal and state officials disagree on the number of chronic homeless that are living in Michigan.In its 2014 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to…
Starting a business can be hard. How about starting a business with a mission to help end homelessness? Well, that’s even harder.Stateside’s Mercedes…
A homeless navy veteran died in Ann Arbor last October.No family members came forward to claim his body.So for five months, the veteran’s body lay in the…
It's called "Mission A2" – short for Michigan Itinerant Shelter System Interdependent Out of Necessity. This Ann Arbor-based nonprofit is dedicated to…
Life-threatening wind chills are keeping Michigan's homeless shelters full. The shelters have been at or above capacity for roughly two months.Darin Estep…
A laid-off public school teacher, an evicted retiree, and a man who says he'll sleep on a park bench because he’s too drunk to pass the shelter’s…
A group of Ann Arbor homeless people and supporters marched downtown on New Year's Eve, asking the city to change its policy for the Delonis Center on…
Michigan’s homeless face another night of bitterly cold temperatures tonight.In Lansing, the city’s decision to close one shelter has made finding a warm…
The number of K-12 students in the U.S. without a home is on the rise.More than 1.1 million children in the U.S. were homeless in the 2011-2012 school…
The people who run a homeless shelter in Battle Creek are giving thanks for the way the community has responded to their need this Thanksgiving.The Haven…