Some of the people most directly affected by President Trump’s immigration order spoke about their hopes and fears Thursday.Trump’s executive order has…
A Senate committee approved Betsy DeVos' nomination to become U.S. Secretary of Education yesterday, despite strong opposition from Democrats and a tense…
Governor Rick Snyder says he’s trying to learn more about President Trump’s executive order on immigration. But he says it’s the start of a national…
The White House continues to insist that the President's executive orders on immigrants and refugees will make America safer.The West Michigan group…
President Trump's executive order on immigration was signed last Friday.Here's what it does:It stops ALL refugee admissions for 120 days (no matter where…
The Trump Administration's move to change immigration and travel policies for seven predominantly Muslim countries prompted Ann Arbor Public Schools…
President Trump today said he was right to ban people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.He tweeted the following:Yet…
Across the country, immigration lawyers flocked to airports and border crossings this weekend to help travelers stranded by President Trump’s executive…
President Trump continues to defend his immigration order that clamps a temporary ban on U.S. entry for travelers from seven majority-Muslim nations, and…
An Iraqi man planned to come join his wife and child in Michigan later this year. They’d been issued special visas because of his wife’s work as an…