Attorneys, advocates, family members and inmates are calling on Governor Gretchen Whitmer to use her executive authority to reduce prison populations.As…
A second inmate in a Michigan prison has died of COVID-19. This death is an urgent concern, say advocates. That's because it happened in a prison that…
The Michigan Department of Corrections has partnered with DTE Energy and IBEW Local 17 to train inmates in trimming trees.MDOC worked very closely with…
Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed bills into law that will permit some medically frail and seriously ill inmates to be paroled.They will be cared for…
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is defending her decision to line-item veto legislation removing $10 million to compensate people wrongfully convicted. The money is…
The first group of student inmates received their associate’s degrees from a program at Calvin College today.Fifteen men walked out of the fieldhouse at…
The state House has adopted bills that would allow prisoners in advanced stages of illness including cancer and dementia to be paroled for medical…
A new exhibition opening this week at the University of Michigan aims to demonstrate the creative and intellectual ability of many of Michigan's…
Expanding Medicaid was a key part of the Affordable Care Act. In our state, it's known as Healthy Michigan, and it has meant health care coverage for more…
State legislators return to Lansing this week and there’s a lot on the agenda.State Senator John Proos (R-St. Joseph) hopes the state House will act on a…