On today's show, a Detroit-based journalist opens up about her family's struggle with medical bills. Then, a conversation about cultural humility in practice. Lastly, a new show exhibits a world where digital technology has ceased to exist.
Michigan firefighters are a step closer to getting help paying for treatment of a serious illness they may contract on the job.The state Senate this week…
The Obama Administration says Michiganders are signing up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act at a faster pace than expected. But time is…
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - The uninsured and others have time to sign up for private insurance under the federal health care law without facing a tax…
Michiganders at risk of losing their health insurance because of Obamacare may be getting a reprieve.It’s estimated that more than 200,000 policies in…
State lawmakers are grappling with an issue that pits Michigan’s firefighters against insurance companies.A bill before the Senate Judiciary committee…
Supporters are pushing the Michigan legislature to pass a bill that would expand health care coverage for autism treatment before the measure dies at the…