An oil pipeline running beneath the Straits of Mackinac could be shut down under a bill in the legislature.The company that operates the pipeline insists…
It was April of 2010 when Enbridge Line 6b ruptured, spilling more than a million gallons of Canadian heavy crude oil into a creek near Kalamazoo. It was…
Crews hired by Enbridge are back at work along the Kalamazoo River again this month.In 2010, an Enbridge pipeline broke near Marshall, spewing about a…
Government agencies will practice responding to an oil spill from a pipeline crossing the St. Clair River tomorrow. The pipeline passes beneath the St.…
An environmental group says oil pipelines running beneath the Mackinac Straits could be shut down without disrupting oil and propane supplies in…
There's been a lot of concern expressed about Enbridge's oil and natural gas liquids pipelines running under Lake Michigan at the Straits of Mackinac.But…
Enbridge Energy’s Line 5 oil pipeline has lain deep under the water in the choppy Straits of Mackinac for more than 60 years. Over the decades, Line 5 has…
Five years ago today, an oil pipeline near Marshall, Michigan split open, starting the biggest inland oil spill in U.S. history.The heavy tar sands oil…
On July 25, 2010 at 5:58 p.m., Enbridge's Line 6B split open in a wetland near Marshall, Michigan.The break was not discovered for 17 hours. During that…
The biggest inland oil spill in U.S. history happened right here in Michigan. Now that five years have passed, we checked in with people who were affected…