Physicians throughout the state are asking lawmakers to consider science and research when making decisions about how to proceed with education this fall.…
Today on Stateside, playwright and Detroit native Michael R. Jackson talks about the meta-musical that earned him a Pulitzer Prize for drama. Plus, as…
Michigan House Representative Lynn Afendoulis announced on Thursday that she’s running for Congress.The Republican Afendoulis is running for Michigan’s…
Universal healthcare might be on its way to Michigan’s ballots now that State Representative Yousef Rabhi officially announced his proposal Monday morning…
It's time to put people over party. That's the idea driving young legislators across the country to group together in a bipartisan way, forming caucuses…
Bills that would require Michigan driver's licenses and state ID cards to show certain immigration statuses are under consideration in a state House…
The Michigan House passed a bill along party lines last week that would change how state courts deal with asbestos-related cancer cases.Supporters of the…
Michigan’s 10-cent bottle deposit law has been on the books since 1976. It covers can and bottles for carbonated beverages – soda, pop, beer, seltzer and…
Election Day in Michigan is Tuesday, November 7. Michigan Radio's "Morning Edition" host Doug Tribou and senior news analyst Jack Lessenberry preview some…
Legislation to restrict the authority of state departments has passed the Michigan House and is making its way through the Senate.House Bill 4205 would…