Here’s some of the safety planning that experts are recommending to families with mixed-immigration status.
The Michigan Immigrant Rights Center represents roughly 800 immigrant children currently in the system. The work is paid for with federal funding through the Legal Services for Unaccompanied Children program.
The Michigan Supreme Court has agreed to hear arguments in a case filed against the state by an immigrant rights organization.
Twelve hour shifts, six days a week. A persistent, chemical smell that caused eyes to water, throats to itch and heads to ache. Two hundred workers and…
A legal challenge to COVID-19 testing requirements on Michigan farms has been dismissed in the federal court system. Two Michigan farms — True Blue Berry…
A federal appeals court in Ohio has denied a request from some Michigan farms to suspend testing requirements for Michigan workers while it makes a…
The Michigan Farm Bureau has some concerns about a state emergency order that agricultural and food processing workers get tested for COVID-19.The…
He says he arrived in Michigan in March. He came from Mexico with a temporary farmworker visa. He spent his days working with plants in a greenhouse. At…
A new lawsuit alleges workers were forced to work for months without pay at a green house in Monroe County.They were temporary agriculture workers from…
The Michigan Immigrant Rights Center says 13 unaccompanied immigrant children have arrived in Michigan in recent months, after their parents were turned…