Student loan payments may be applied as tax credits if a new bill in Lansing becomes law. Democratic State Representative Andy Schor is sponsoring the…
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Minority Democrats in the Michigan House say pension income should no longer be taxed and other Republican-backed tax changes from…
MLive's Ron Fonger is reporting that Genesee County has shut down its hazardous materials response team. This comes as state officials are investigating…
Almost 14,000 kids in Michigan have been taken out of their own homes by the state because of an abuse or neglect allegation.Those kids then rely upon the…
Last year, Michigan enacted a law that requires insurance companies to cover childhood autism treatments.Today, the Michigan Department of Community…
Alarm companies in Flint are refusing to pay nearly $134,000 in bills from the city of Flint related to police response to false alarm calls.David Harris…
In a press release today, Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources says Joseph Seeberger has both a state record and now a world record-sized Great…
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Some unions in Michigan are working to get new contracts approved before the state's right-to-work law takes effect next month to…
Ever wonder where your Michigan tax dollars go?MLive’s Jonathan Oosting has an article today that breaks it all out.He notes that:Here’s an overview of…
Governor Rick Snyder announced today that Michigan businesses now have one thousand fewer rules to live with.Rob Nederhood is Deputy Director of…