At lunchtime yesterday, I got a news alert that the state’s preliminary review team found Detroit’s finances a mess. When I got this news, I was sitting…
There are a number of important debates going on in Michigan about our economic crisis, and our future.Three of the most intense are these: Should Detroit…
The Flint School District will deliver its deficit elimination plan to the state today. But a long-time critic doubts the district’s administration will…
Over the course of the next year Michigan Watch, the investigative/accountability unit of Michigan Radio, and Bridge Magazine, the online magazine put…
A federal judge has stopped a major round of cuts in cash benefits for Michigan welfare recipients, saying the notices were deficient.It's a significant…
A lot of people are worried about what’s been going on in the stock market. I guess I should be, too. To the extent I have any retirement savings, they…
Gov. Rick Snyder outlined his plan for making Michigan a healthier state. The plan includes the utilization of technology to help track health statistics…
Michigan lawmakers are considering eliminating the Personal Property Tax. That’s a tax businesses pay on equipment. The money goes directly to local units…
This Friday many of us head into a three day weekend that marks the unofficial end of summer. We might mark Labor Day with a family picnic, one last…
http://stream.publicbroadcasting.net/production/mp3/michigan/local-michigan-983844.mp3The Michigan legislature is considering bills to end the state’s…