There are more than 70 virtual currencies in the marketplace.You may have heard of the biggest players: Bitcoin, Ripples, and Litecoin, which are taking…
Bitcoin: Is it something that could alter centuries of banking and money practices? Or is it an unstable "funny money" fad?Bitcoin is a digital currency…
A report from the Phoenix Global Wealth Monitor says Michigan had fewer millionaires in 2013.Michigan had around 170,000 households with more than a…
Can a Michigan investment fund make big money by investing only in mid-size Michigan companies?That’s the idea behind the Michigan Prosperity Fund.It’s…
People around the world and right here in Michigan are rethinking money in order to ease financial woes, and they're doing it with local currency. On…
Today on Stateside, we talked with currency expert, journalist, and author Jacqui Dunne about local currencies. In case you're still a little unclear as…
As Detroit makes unhappy history by becoming the biggest city in American history to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, the focus has been on money…
How would consumers in America function without paper currency?Miles Kimball, Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan, advocates the switch…
This election year has seen a huge increase in the amount of money being spent on political campaigns compared to previous years. A lot of that money is…
Michigan’s Republican presidential primary elections are over. But, primary elections for federal and state legislators are in August.Already out-of-state…