It's called many things -- theACA, the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare. As implementation of the law continues, so does the confusion. On today's show, we…
School is almost out for summer! For some students, that means camp. For others, it means time to get a job. For the three high school sophomores you’re…
You can say one thing about the backers of the M-1 light rail project in Detroit, they're persistent.The on-again, off-again federal funding of the…
The Michigan Senate recently passed a bill to create an authority for Detroit and surrounding counties to operate its own transit system.However, the bill…
Michigan’s first bus rapid transit system will be built in the Grand Rapids area. Bus rapid transit operates similar to light rail, but because less…
Southeast Michigan county, business, and community leaders seem to agree; the region needs a transit authority to attract businesses and young…
People in the Grand Rapids suburb of Walker will vote this November on whether to withdraw from the regional bus system. Now transportation supporters are…
Voters in a Grand Rapids suburb will decide in November whether the city should withdraw from the regional bus system.This week the City of Walker…
Today some people in the Cities of Granville and Walker will begin collecting signatures to get their cities out of the partnership that runs the bus…
In a state like Michigan, with a history that's virtually inseparable from that of the automobile, it might be hard to imagine a life without cars. But…