Michigan third graders would no longer face a state retention recommendation for not reading at grade level under a bill that passed the Legislature Wednesday.
Looking for a new read in 2023? Here are the Detroit Public Library's most checked-out books of 2022Detroiters were on the case this year. Or at least, they were reading about the cases. Mysteries lead this year’s top books at the Detroit Book Library.
Book Beat, a bookstore in Oak Park, celebrated its 40th birthday this past weekend.
Thousands of Michigan students have been cut adrift from their school communities as the coronavirus pandemic has shuttered school buildings. Their…
Today on Stateside, Michigan students are improving their academic performance in comparison to peers in other states. We'll talk about what that tells us…
Michigan students rank roughly middle of the pack in reading on the nation's report card, inching up slightly in the latest two-year testing cycle.The…
An educator and entrepreneur believes he's found an untapped resource to help more struggling students succeed in reading. The secret? Families.
One of the very best ways to enjoy summer in Michigan is to park yourself under a tree or on a beach and get lost in a good book.Poet Keith Taylor joined…
It's called the nation's report card: a benchmark test measuring math and reading proficiency.When it comes to the National Assessment of Educational…
“If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,” a woman wearing a foppish hat with a large feather sang to a group of distracted toddlers and Michigan…