The Michigan House approved a plan Wednesday to use taxes on fuel and corporations to fund road repairs.
A Michigan House Committee could forward a Republican road funding plan to the full House floor Tuesday.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer released her much-anticipated road funding plan this week. On this week’s It’s Just Politics, Zoe Clark and Rick Pulta are joined by Bridge Michigan’s Simon Shuster to dig into the $3 billion plan. Plus, John Truscott, former Communications Director for Governor John Engler, explains how to sell a roads plan.
The Legislature returns to state Capitol Tuesday as lawmakers bargain over what to do before this session wraps up at the end of the year. One subject of negotiations is road funding.
The TRIP report finds people driving on poorly maintained roads lost commuting time due to congestion, and car repairs costs Michiganders $17 billion a year.
The Democratic governor pitched business leaders some of her big ideas Thursday at the Detroit Regional Chamber’s annual Mackinac Island policy conference.
Lawmakers revive debate over toll roads, an original production telling the stories of survivors of gender-based violence, and a biography on Madonna.
Road and bridge builders want the 6% sales tax on fuel to go toward road and bridge infrastructure. The bulk of that tax currently goes to the School Aid Fund.
An annual report by the County Road Association of Michigan says road commissions in the state face an underfunding problem of $2.4 billion.
The new report estimates it will cost $3.9 billion more annually than is currently being spent just to maintain Michigan’s roads and bridges.