Governor Gretchen Whitmer released a road-and-transportation funding proposal Monday that includes a new tax on marijuana products, more revenue from a business tax aimed at big tech companies, and unspecified budget cuts.
The Legislature returns to state Capitol Tuesday as lawmakers bargain over what to do before this session wraps up at the end of the year. One subject of negotiations is road funding.
The incoming Republican state House leader has called for redirecting revenue from the corporate income tax and sales tax on fuel to road repairs
The Democratic governor pitched business leaders some of her big ideas Thursday at the Detroit Regional Chamber’s annual Mackinac Island policy conference.
Just how successful is Michigan pothole damage repair fund? Then bringing your native homeland to your Michigan garden. And how prison art gives identity to inmates usually labeled by numbers.
Infrastructure spending bonanza, sand dunes consuming cottages, and artists using AI photography.
On today's show: the largest county jail in Michigan still bars visits due to pandemic rules, different ways to tax EVs for road money, unlocking the powers of ancient mint and how pandemic induced bias affected Asian-American owned small businesses.
The state legislature’s lack of action on gun control, even as guns are now the leading cause of death for U.S. children. Who’s responsible for picking up roadside trash in Michigan? And, why state government workers can’t use legal cannabis products.
The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council report says 67% of federal aid paved state roads are in fair (42%) to good (25%) condition. That is a slight improvement over previous years. But the future looks bleak.
An analysis of the split verdict in the trial of four defendants charged in the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer. What rising construction costs mean for the plan to repair Michigan roads. And, why Afghan refugee children are languishing in federal custody in Michigan months after the fall of Kabul.