Michigan is lagging in broadband availability. The state is ranked 30th in the nation, and more than 350,000 households — mostly in rural areas — don't…
Microsoft Corporation and a rural broadband company want to bring broadband internet access to more people living in remote parts of Wisconsin and…
There is a child care shortage. That’s not going to be a surprise to many families, especially those in rural areas.In a recent Dome Magazine article, Ken…
When President Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency, he offered some ideas for tackling this national emergency. He didn't offer…
Proposed legislation in Lansing would prevent local governments from using federal, state or local funds to invest in internet infrastructure unless the…
Bart and Mary Beth Hammer would welcome any solution to their internet woes.“You can get a satellite dish, but it’s so slow,” said Bart Hammer, airline…
Bonnie Jo Campbell is a big-deal writer who has won some fancy awards, including a Pushcart Prize, and she was a finalist for the 2009 National Book Award…
When we think about poverty, we tend to picture cities.But a recent series in Bridge Magazine brought attention to poverty in rural communities in…
One of the most important aspects of the Affordable Care Act is consumer choice. More choice leads to more competition among insurers, and that can mean…
One of the most important aspects of the Affordable Care Act is consumer choice. More choice means more competition among insurers, and that can lead to…