Matt Weiss is charged with hacking into the computer accounts of thousands of college athletes to find intimate images, primarily of women.
The legislation would make it a felony punishable by up to three years in prison to create and share sexual deep fakes without permission.
The hearing officer ruled the former MSU head football coach violated several terms of his contract, according to the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
There are allegations MSU's Board of Trustee chair has not fully cooperated with an investigation into who leaked the name of the woman who accused former Head Football Coach Mel Tucker of sexual harassment. Something she denies.
Today, how MSU is handling the sexual harassment allegations against Mel Tucker.
Today, Mel Tucker’s suspension and the ongoing Title IX investigation into his conduct. The former assistant attorney general who served as the lead prosecutor in the case against Larry Nassar offers her insight.
The bill would fine adults who knowingly send such content without prior consent.
The Michigan Court of Appeals says schools can be sued under Michigan’s civil rights law for failing to protect students from sexual harassment by other students.
This is the final resolution in a case brought by around 100 women and teenage girls who accused a McDonald’s manager in Mason of severe and pervasive sexual harassment.
An MSU Title IX investigation found Judge Joseph Farah repeatedly sexually harassed a law student when she interned for him last summer, including making "explicit sexual advances," and retaliated when she rebuffed him. A former law clerk of Farah's also told investigators she had a similar experience.