This Friday, the movie simply titled “Detroit” debuts nationwide.It depicts the most notorious single incident of the 1967 Detroit rebellion — the brutal…
[View the story "#Rebellion67" on Storify]
In the wake of Detroit’s 1967 rebellion, and similar unrest nationwide, a group called the Kerner Commission dug into the underlying causes.Their main…
Fifty years after Detroit’s 1967 rebellion, conversations about what the events of that summer so long ago mean for our society today have been…
It's been 50 years since 1967, the summer of one of the deadliest civil disturbances in American history. Teacher Quan Neloms knew now was as good a time…
It’s a Sunday afternoon, and there’s a party of sorts going on at 12th Street and Clairmount on Detroit's west side.Exactly 50 years ago, the police raid…
The 1967 Detroit uprising was a time of confusion and upheaval. Countless rumors and false narratives spread through the country, and some facts remain…
The Detroit rebellion erupted in the early Sunday morning hours of July 23, 1967, just blocks away from the Catholic church and school of St. Agnes…
Divisions, intolerance and a biased political process have influenced Detroit for several decades before and since the 1967 uprising. The idea for “Split”…
Director Kathryn Bigelow's new film Detroit depicts one of the most horrific events of the 1967 rebellion: a night of terror at the Algiers Motel, a night…