The lame duck session for the Michigan Legislature has come to a close. Some people have called the end-of-year session "strange," but you can't say it…
The lame duck session for the Michigan Legislature is a time when politicians in Lansing often push through unpopular or controversial bills. Remember the…
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is putting members of his own party in Michigan in a tough spot. With slumping poll numbers, there are some…
A new poll by Epic MRA on behalf of the Detroit Free Press and other news media outlets across the state shows that Donald Trump has cut into Hillary…
The state Legislature gets back to business next week after its 12-week summer break. Ken Sikkema and Susan Demas joined us today to talk about what we…
Governor Rick Snyder has approved an education budget which includes $2.5 million for private and religious schools. That seems to be incongruent with the…
Two of the biggest Michigan political stories this week were the announcement of more lawsuits involving the Flint water crisis, and the "Dump Trump"…
The legislature is off for its two-month summer break, but there will be a lot of work to do when lawmakers get back to work at the end of the season.…
It was just about a year ago when Gov. Rick Snyder was flying around the country, meeting with influential and powerful people, telling the story of…
Each Thursday, we talk to Susan Demas, publisher of Inside Michigan Politics, and Ken Sikkema, former Senate Majority Leader and Senior Policy Fellow at…