A federal district judge has approved the Ohio EPA's request to be added as a defendant in a lawsuit alleging that the Ohio EPA and the U.S. EPA devised a defective program to control phosphorus flowing into Lake Erie, a chief cause of harmful cyanobacterial blooms in the Great Lake.
It's been ten years since Toledo issued a 'don not drink' order for its water system for three days due to cyanobacterial blooms near its water intake in Lake Erie. The blooms are not any worse, but they are not any less.
Scientists have concluded it's going to be more difficult than they initially thought to reduce phosphorus loads into Lake Erie by 40%.That's the target…
Dozens of water activists attended a conference in Flint Wednesday.The conference examined the ongoing effects of lead, PFAS and other contaminants…
It was this time five years ago that the city of Toledo placed a city-wide ban of tap water. Some half-million people were told not to use their tap for…
Five years after half a million Toledo-area residents were told not to drink or touch their tap water for two days, the same thick green sludge…
Toledo voters have approved a charter amendment giving Lake Erie legal rights by a large margin, 9,867 to 6,211. Turnout in the special election, which…
Toledo voters will go to the polls on Tuesday to decide the fate of the Lake Erie Bill of Rights referendum.The referendum would amend Toledo's city…
What happens if your dog likes to swim in the lake, but there might be toxins in the water?It can happen in a local lake or somewhere like the western…
The city of Toledo, Ohio and its suburbs are arguing about how to properly charge for water. The disagreement stems from the 2014 toxic cyanobacteria…