A preview of the Lions' and Wolverines' big games. the Michigan GOP vote to remove their leader, and how to wake up better.
Josh Otten sits in a kayak in the Kalamazoo River west of Battle Creek. He’s pulled up to the bank, holding a palm-sized, wriggling…
This time of year, it’s good to keep an eye out for turtles that might be slowly crossing the road.Lori Sargent is a wildlife biologist with the Michigan…
A recent study published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessments finds turtles are getting doses of heavy metals such as lead and copper.Matt Cooper…
Why did the turtle cross the road? The answer is that it is just that time of the year again. Michigan's turtles are hitting the roads to go and lay their…
According to an article in the Battle Creek Enquirer, turtles are still suffering negative effects from last year's oil spill in west Michigan's Talmadge…