A bill has been introduced in the state House that would require schools to post public notices about their students' vaccination rates.The bill would…
Many people don't know which shots they need as they get older. And the vaccines can be tougher to keep track of because many adults go to the doctor less frequently than kids do.
Michigan is now among a growing list of states experiencing measles outbreaks, with state health officials confirming 40 cases so far in Oakland County,…
Stateside: Changing anti-vaccine beliefs; competitive bearding in W. MI; study links pesticides, ALSToday on Stateside, we talk with vaccine-hesitant parents as measles cases spread. Plus, learn how your old photos can help researchers track changes to…
A new survey by C.S. Mott Children's Hospital suggests parents who decline flu vaccinations for their child are getting information from unreliable…
Hospitals are increasingly requiring employees to get a flu shot each year to prevent the spread of infection. Flu shots for health care workers might…
Vaccine education groups are asking parents to get their kids vaccinated before school starts. Veronica McNally is with the Franny Strong Foundation. Her…
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed the influenza-related deaths of two Michigan children.Officials did not release any…
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is confirming the first case of measles in the state this year.The department announced Wednesday…
I was ten when John Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth fifty-five years ago. We were all mad for science then, and if you’d asked any of…