New state House bills would boost venture capital for Michigan businesses in their earliest stages of development.
It's been called a "blockbuster acquisition."Cisco Systems recently announced its intent to buy the Ann Arbor-based company Duo Security for $2.35…
The Next IdeaYou can't have a successful entrepreneurial community without money. And that's exactly why venture capitalists play such a critical role in…
The Next IdeaOnly a few decades ago, Israel was a virtual ghost town for business. Now, it’s considered one of the most innovative and energetic economies…
The Next IdeaMichigan will never be the next Silicon Valley.Michigan can't compete with the allure of the Coasts, or even Chicago, for the nation's best…
The state of Michigan may soon get out of the venture capital business.The state House Commerce and Trade committee takes up legislation tomorrow that…
Rick DeVos’ venture capital fund will stop giving away $5,000 each week to people with a good business idea. The fund, known as Start Garden, has given…
The Next IdeaVenture capital flow into Michigan has been steadily increasing since 2008, but the state saw a remarkable uptick last year. According to a…